I am a senior scientist at the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics of the University of Vienna. I am also lab manager of our lab.

I have put together a list of resources that I have found helpful when starting in academia. If you know any other, please let me know.


Working papers

  • Similarity and social discounting, with Benjamin Beranek.
    Social discounting refers to the idea that decision-makers discount payoffs as a function of social distance. We measure social distances via interpersonal similarity; that is, how similar or different others are to the decision-maker. In two large, pre-registered online experiments, subjects make repeated choices between options that provide different amounts of money to recipients at varying degrees of similarity. Our experiments control for a number of factors to cleanly measure preferences. We estimate a social discount function and find evidence for social discounting. Our estimates imply that a decision-maker would be indifferent between a dissimilar other receiving $1 or themselves receiving $0.83. In our second experiment where self is included as a potential recipient, we find evidence for quasi-hyperbolic social discounting.
  • Continuous Inclusion of Other in the Self, with Benjamin Beranek, revise-and-resubmit at Journal of the Economic Science Association.
    The Inclusion of Other in the Self (IOS) scale is a popular tool to measure interpersonal closeness that is increasingly being used in economics. We develop and validate a continuous version of the IOS scale. This Continuous IOS scale gives a finer measure and addresses the reluctance of subjects to report low scores on the standard IOS scale. We also propose a version of the standard IOS scale that meets its original design features. Our IOS scales are easy-to-use, well-documented, standardised, and available at https://github.com/geoffreycastillo/ios-js.
  • Generating ambiguity with a virtual bingo blower, with Ola Andersson and Erik Wengström.
    We propose the Virtual Bingo Blower (VBB) as a way to create ambiguity in computerized experiments. The VBB mimics a physical bingo blower using a physics engine. The number of balls, their colour and their speed, among other things, can be easily modified. We use the VBB to measure ambiguity attitudes in an online experiment. We find that it elicits similar ambiguity preferences compared to natural events. Further, we find that the VBB can be used to manipulate the level of ambiguity.
  • How does the way we represent lotteries affect risk preferences?, with Chris Starmer.
    In a risk preference elicitation experiment, we manipulate the way we represent lotteries. We represent probabilities, payoffs, or both at the same time. We find that the representation has no effect on the raw, elicited certainty equivalents. We find, however, a significant effect on the structural parameters estimated via maximum likelihood.
  • Do different people report the same social norms?, with Lawrence Choo and Veronika Grimm.
    If the Krupka-Weber (2013) norm-elicitation task captures pre-existing social norms, then the elicited norms should be independent of one’s role in a game or one’s social preferences. We test this idea in a complex game that features rich interactions. We find that different people, even when they have conflicting incentives, report the same social norms. Our results further validate the use of the Krupka-Weber task to measure social norms.

In progress


  • bingo-blower.js, a virtual bingo-blower for ambiguity experiments
  • ios.js, a continuous implementation of the Inclusion of Other in the Self scale

Teaching experience

  • Microeconomic theory
  • Designing economic experiments
  • Philosophy and economics